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    Try These Interior Design Tips To Give Your Study Space a Modern Twist!

    Try These Interior Design Tips To Give Your Study Space a Modern Twist!

    Is Your Dusty Study In Need of Some Sprucing?

    Coffee is Always a Good Idea

    A study is a man or woman’s personal room designed for academic work, reading, writing, or paperwork. Unlike an office, a study can be a place of leisure as well as work. There has been a rise in popularity with younger people turning spare rooms into studies. More and more adults are switching to online work, making study spaces more appealing and on-trend. When you think of a study, you probably imagine Mark Twain, dusty leather-bound books, oil lamps, and serious dark colors. What was once traditionally a room that belonged to the father of the house for the use of reading or business matters is now a space that anyone can enjoy and make their own. Thanks to Dark Academia, a style trend or aesthetic that is sweeping the country with a rebirth, or reboot rather, of that early 1900s English study vibe tossed with nostalgia for a simpler time and drizzled with a sense of longing for the arts, and classic Greek and Gothic influences, everyone wants a study.

    Imagine a room filled with books ranging from poetry and philosophy to modern young adult and science fiction. A hat rack for coats, satchel bags, and berets. A lovely wooden desk with room for candles, a vintage collection of butterfly wings, and a tiny microscope. Everything centers around the idea of higher learning and a fondness for antique everything.

    A modern study can be anything you like! Whether you prefer an old-fashioned study with an impressive library and a green banker’s lamp, or you want to mix things up with a modern space filled with light, Feng Shui, and minimalistic artwork- we have some tried and true styling tips to get you started on your study conversion so that it best reflects your unique self.

    Set a Goal

    Have a goal in mind of what you are looking for in your study. What will its purpose be? Is this space for leisure or work? What is the size of your study? Will you have room for guests? 

    Floating Shelves

    Floating shelves give a wonderful touch of whimsy while also providing practicality. Floating shelves allow for more room, less clutter, and optimal organization. These shelves are excellent to display artwork as well!

    Personalized 3 Letter Monogram

    House Plants

    House plants have so much to offer! Not only do they improve the quality of air in a room but they also allow for self-expression. Show your personality through choice of plants. It has been proven the having plants in your office space or study room increases productivity and elevates mood! If your space has little light, look for indoor plants such as ivy.

    Warmest Wishes Trio


    You can’t study without light! Keep your light soft, and limit your use of fluorescence or white light.
    American Flag Eagle Wall Art

    Art Work

    Make your study reflect your personality by choosing custom designs and unique artwork! This is your chance to set the vibe or focus for your study. We recommend metal art decor to give a personal touch!

    Welcome Sign

    Comfortable Seating

    You may have guests or clients in your study, so make sure you choose comfortable seating!

    Above all else, make yourself at home and inspired to do all the things!

    A study is a place to think up your best ideas and achieve everything you set your mind. Whether you go full Sherlock Holmes in the English countryside, an art gallery in Paris, or a zen garden in Japan, keep it you and keep it fun.